creative corner

welcome to my crazy twisted mind...

I have always classified myself as a multimedia artist- I love to write, draw, and work with clay! I've been writing and drawing almost my enire life, and I've been working with ceramic and polymer clay since middle school. I divide my fictional works into 2 categories- stories and universes. I have mostly stories, which follow one or more main characters, and have a clear narrative with a defined beginning and end. I really love worldbuilding, so several of my stories have side stories set within the same world. Universes do not follow a set narrative, and are not meant to exist in a single format. They are a collective of characters in a world (sometimes detailed, sometimes not) and are built in a way that is NOT meant to have a beginning and end.

Not all of my stories are meant to exist as written stories. I give them what I call is an "ideal format," meaning this is the format the story would exist in given I had infinite money/resources/time/etc. For example, I have several stories that are meant to exist as comics, a few that are supposed to be video games, and one that would be a cartoon. I don't intend to make a cartoon, though, and I don't really have the energy to make multiple comics and video games at the same time. Hence why the format is ideal! For now, I just develop my characters, plot, and setting. I LOVE creating stories and characters, and I don't expect most of these to be "completed" in their ideal formats which is a-okay. I'm just here for fun. :]

Why Do I Make Art?

This is gonna be a tangent, so just be prepared...

I make art for myself, first and foremost. I always have and I always will. My end goal has never been money, attention, publication or even completion- creating is just a part of my nature and who I am as a person. I see art everywhere I look, I see characters and stories on every hilltop and riverbed I come across. I see paintings in sunsets and sketches in streets. I believe that art- music, painting, language, poetry, ceramics, architecture, clothing, dance, you name it- is, has been, and always be mankind's greatest creation. When people say they are not creative, or they are not artistically inclined, I always disagree. The very concept of creativity is what drives humanity. Art is nothing less than a person's soul.

Whew, okay, now that we have the crazy stuff out of the way... Hmm, maybe I should write more poetry. Anyways! I create for myself. Fantasy (and sci-fi) has always been my favorite genre ever since I was a kid. I love the fantastical and the unreal. The vast majority of my creative endeavors are fantasy based, whether that be my stories with dragons or all my drawings of anthro animals (I guess I can just say furries here. You all know). I could never see a life for myself where I didn't create. I don't think what I create is particularly groundbreaking, but I think there is wonder in everyone's stories they have to tell, whether big or small. Cliche, simple, filled with tropes, who cares! It all has value. I will make what I will make- some unique and detailed, and some based directly off the works of others. Either way, my art is mine, forever and always. Thanks for reading :)